Tuesday 27 September 2011

Showing off a bit

Here I am showing off my posh new reflective collar.  I made sure my leg was covering my dangly bits!

Monday 26 September 2011

I wasnt sick yippee

Well, I told you I would have to go to Mu's on Saturday.  I thought I was going for a walk  - I was on my lead but then Cryn stopped in front of her car.  I sat my bum down and wouldnt move but all of a sudden Cryn oiked me up and plonked me in her car.  And then it got even worse.  She put Radio 2 on with Tony Blackburn ansd started singing songs from 1959!!  Luckily I got all the way to Mu's without being sick.. I dribbled a lot just to get her worried. 
But it was worth it when we got there.  Cryn left me with Mu while she went shopping.  There was lots of goodies to play with - brooms brushes and shoes this week - Mu doesnt learn.  She had to chase me all over the lawn - no way was she going to catch me but she had a good go for her age!
I wasn't sick on the way home either.   So when I got home I was still full of energy ready for when Neil's dad came round to watch the speedway GP 
Sunday was pretty uneventful (that means boring)  Cryn went bowling at night and left me alone for a couple of hours.  She blocked the stairs off so I couldn't get in the bedroom and wreck everything  When she came home I was fast asleep on the sofa as there was nothing else for me to do

Tonight we went for our usual walk over the fields  when I heard my name being called   It was Lenny and Ethan my next door neighbours.  Sarah had seen us going out and bought the three kiddies and Rocco to see us.  And then it got more exciting - two more dogs came and we were all running around with a ball for ages and ages.  When we got home I was snoring within 5 mins.  Happy doggy days!

This is my favourite sleeping position

A bit undignified I know but real comfy. 

This is me with my girlfriend Juliet.  When I've finished abusing her we like to snuggle up together

And me with Muppett
And Scooby Snack
They put up a bit more resistance than Juliet.  They keep well away from me when I'm bouncing around like an idiot  This is where Muppett tries to hide from me!
They're no fun.  Maybe I need a little brother or sister to play with !!!!!!........

Friday 23 September 2011


Went for my first walk in the dark tonight. We went round the block and I had to stay on my lead all the time. And even worse we didn't see any other dogs. I was gutted and not to say just a little scared. So I pulled hard and made cryn's hand sore. That will teach her for making me go out at a creepy time of night.
I think it was probably punishment for ripping up her newspaper, taking her glasses and boots and weeing on her leg. I managed all that in an hour tonight.
Tomorrow is Saturday. That means I have to go to cryn's mums. She has a really big garden with lots of plants to dig up But I'm always sick in the car. Cryn covers the seats with all sorts of towels and sheets just in case. Tomorrow night Neils dad is coming round to watch the speedway on the tv. He bubbasat me on Thursday when Cryn went out and I managed to sneak into the conservatory and eat a remote controller when he wasn't looking. Easy prey!!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

A little bit sad

Yes I'm a little bit sad. Neil has gone to work in Mexico for three months. Cryn has told me he's coming home every two or three weeks. But until then it's just me and her for walks and playing. Just to keep her on her toes I've weed three times in the house today including a nice trail down the stair carpet and a bucketful in the kitchen. Yes I know the back door was open but it's been raining all evening.
Had three long walks today. Met lots of dogs including one which was on heat and kept her tail between her legs and three more which all jumped on me. I was a little bit scared but I wagged my tail and everything was good. Phew!

Sunday 18 September 2011

Hello Everyone

My name is Bubba and I'm a very cute male Mannoroy Springbatt puppy.  I was born on 2nd April 2011 which makes me almost 6 months old at the moment.  
Here's couple of photos mum Cryn took of me when I was 8wks old.  Yes I'm the cutest puppy ever( along with all my brothers and sisters of course!)

Just in case you don't know, a Springbatt is a cross between a Springer Spaniel and a Basset hound.  Apparently I look more like a Basset with massive ears and big feet.  I'm pretty long too! I've grown a bit since those photos were taken from about 5kg to 18kg now!!
I'm a fourth generation Springbatt.  My Dad was Alfie a first gen, and Mum was Bubbles a third gen.  I have 9 brothers and 3 sisters some of which my human mum keeps in touch with on Facebook. 
I'll try to update my blog regularly so you all know what I've been up to - good and bad - yes I am naughty sometimes apparently.
Got to go - I  its walkies time.  Mum bought me a new collar today as I'm growing so fast.. Its real smart - red and grey stripes and its reflective - much better as it will start getting dark early soon apparently.